Thursday, February 28, 2019

What if HRC had won

There is no doubt in my mind that had HRC won she would have “walked back” ( yes I hate that phrase) some of the policy positions Bernie pushed her to. Most importantly the TransPacific Trade Partnership which would have been our most effective check on Chinese expansion and domination of Asia region.

 She also would have modified and improved the ACA rather than push Medicare for All; rationally tackled issue of soaring student debt, solidified NATO and other alliances against Russia, China and Iran and improved relations with Israel from Obama’s tenure , among other sensible rational things.

There would have been no AOC if HRC we’re President. 

Alas we’ll never know. Thanks to Comey (why does Trump nation hate him; he got Trump elected?) and of course the Russians, we’re stuck with Baghdad Don for at least a few more years. 

God help us all. 


Thursday, February 21, 2019

Words and Meanings - Socialism

Once again I’m focusing on words and meanings, and how they distort rational discourse. 

Socialism is a word misused , intentionally or otherwise , by both the Left and the Right.

Let’s start with the dictionary definition :

“Any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods.”

Is that what the Progressives really want in our country?

Is that what the Right really think Obama, Clinton and other Democrats espouse?

More confusion arises from both sides referring to Scandinavian and other European countries as Socialist economies. 

They are all Capitalist economies with strong social welfare programs.  Very different. 

In fact it is their Capitalist economies that generate sufficient wealth to pay for those social welfare programs. 

Just to put a point on it, I can’t think of any real Socialists countries past or present that don’t have single party authoritarian political rule. None are democracies. 

So let’s just drop the term Socialism and get on with a rational discussion of what needs to be done to improve our country for the betterment of all of our citizens.  

Friday, February 15, 2019

Is the madness over?

I guess we should be thankful for Rep Omar’s hateful statements ; no doubt her actual views are a lot worse. 

There is no way the Democrats could call for the resignation of a progressive, young Muslim women of color who contemporaneously makes anti- Semitics remarks. 

Therefore, hopefully, zero tolerance with no chance of redemption should  be over. 

Governor Northam should be relieved. 

The focus on Steve King is misplaced. The real comparison should be the treatment of Omar and Northam.

Northam’s misconduct, at worse, took place 35 years ago and his record of public service has been exemplary. Omar’s offensive comments are recent and I’m pretty sure her real feelings are a lot worse and goes way beyond criticism of Israeli policies and conduct.

 It’s too bad this new era was too late for Al Franken.