Friday, March 8, 2013

Drones in the USA

Other than as political theater, I don't understand the whole "using drones for killings on US soil" brouhaha?

The whole reason we use drones is to (1) protect our pilots from getting shot at and (2)  not actually physically entering another country's territory . Since we wouldn't shoot down our own pilots and we clearly aren't intruding onto another country's territory, those reasons for use of drones do not exist.  It's more akin to firing artillery shells across borders, but with more range and better accuracy.

The issue of killing Americans in this country without due process goes way beyond use of drones.

Why aren't  there similar calls for banning  use of  satellites,  helicopters, fighter planes, FBI agents, police, national guard, etc.

What's the difference?

Isn't it the killing that is the issue, not the type of  weapon used?

Whether you are for or against use of drones abroad, the whole domestic use thing seems like just trumped up political theater of the absurd.


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