Friday, February 5, 2010

Time Out

We all hear the negatives about our country everyday in the press and from our critics, politicians and protesters. Economic inequality, crime, costly wars, discrimination and intolerance, lack of qualified honest political leaders, rapacious capitalists who manipulate and distort our free market economy, too much debt at all levels of society, housing crisis, damage to the environment, poverty, safety of our food supply, homelessness, lack of affordable health care for all, deficient education system below college level, infrastructure in dire need of repair, poor mass transportation, partisan politics and distrust of government and institutions.

In these economically troubled times, while taking all of our many flaws as a given which needs to be remedied , let's take a moment to recount our assets and consider our economic future in the world light of these assets.

Our assets,in no particular order:

Large agriculturally rich and fertile land,

Vast natural resources,

Fresh water in abundance,

Large, diverse, growing population; appropriate for the size of our land mass,

Greatest number of world class universities and colleges,

Free and open democratic process which is relatively corruption free,

Freedom and equality for women and minorities,

Relatively tolerant and expansive attitude towards legal immigration

Economy created and sustained by innovative, entrepreneurial and hard working citizens who have an optimistic belief in our future,

Leadership and innovation in scientific and technology research and development,

Open and relatively transparent bond and equities markets,

Vast and deep capital markets,

US Treasuries still considered world's safe haven,

Dollar as world's reserve currency,

Strong military under unquestioned civilian control,

Common language,

Absence of sectarian strife,

Comparatively high standard of living, even for the poorest among us,

Absence of real hunger,

First class health care system for the vast majority,

Vibrant commitment to the arts and culture, along with a dynamic entertainment industry,and

Importantly, the rule of law which underpins our freedoms, including the freedoms embodied in our Constitution, protected by an independent judiciary and effective law enforcement.

Let's compare our assets to other major nations of the world at this time in history. I was going to do a whole matrix-like chart, but it takes too much time and would be at least somewhat controversial. I think you all can "do the math in your head" to see how we compare.

Again in no particular order :

1. China

2. India

3. Germany

4. Japan

5. France

6. England/UK

7. Brazil

8. Canada

9. Australia

10. Nigeria

11. Iran

12. Middle East

13. Scandinavia

14. Russia

15. Italy

16. Spain

17. South Africa

18. Mexico

19. Venezuela

20. Indonesia

21. Southeast Asia

22. Turkey

23. Israel

Our resources are within our borders, unlike Ancient Rome and Imperial England, and therefore we are not dependent on others (even oil if we really had to). I'm sure I left out many other assets, so let me know.

Our country has many strengths and virtues which will get us through these difficult economic times and beyond. It's good to take time and remember that every once in a while.



  1. I think it would be safe to add our achievements in the arts well, that's some type of asset?

  2. That's an excellent addition. Our prominence in the creative arts is certainly major business asset as well as an integral part of our culture. Entertainment is big business as well as a source of enjoyment and pleasure.
