Thursday, January 9, 2020


Sorry but I had to get this off of my chest .

What do you all think?

I accuse Bernie Sanders, and the Progressives in general , with giving us the nightmare of Donald Trump and  his pernicious incompetent and destructive  administration.

Why you ask?

It was Sanders who first  strongly called Hillary’s integrity in question which played into the Trump’s  motto of Crooked Hillary and Lock Her Up.

It was Sanders and the Progressives who continued to denigrate the Obama economic recovery.  With the media basically going along, they fostered the weak economy narrative . This false narrative then of course was picked up gladly by Trump and the Republicans.

The fact that the Trump economy has simply been a continuation of the Obama recovery was not recognized by the media or indeed Sanders and the Progressives.

Look at the facts. The rise in Stock Market, GDP, and job growth  during Obama’s term has been at least as good or better than Trump’s . Yes, the unemployment rate is lower now under Trump, but that’s what happens with continued job growth for so many months. The same is true with respect to increase wages. Things were all building in that direction.

Bernie and the Progressives continued to denigrate Obama‘s economic performance and the media didn’t contradict them.

When Trump accomplished the same thing , the entire GOP cheered him on and the media had no choice but to agree.

When the public was told that things are bad by Sanders, the Progressives, Trump and the GOP, with the media’s acquiescence  , the public “felt” bad as well.

However, when Trump and the GOP, along with the media, loudly exclaimed that  the economy was now great (even if essentially the same economy as Obama’s) the public began to feel good as well.  

The Democrats and Sanders and the Progressives were responsible for allowing this to happen.

As President Obama said it was a mistake by the Democrats letting the “perfect be the enemy of the good”.

We are now faced with a similar dynamic within the Democratic Party. Those pushing for The Green New Deal, “Socialism”, Reparations, Voting Rights for those incarcerated, Identity Politics, Wealth Taxes ; Free College and Medicare for All - all without raising taxes on other than the wealthy- are making the re-election of Trump more likely; irrespective of how horrible he is.

Sent from my iPhone

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