Monday, April 30, 2012

Words and Meanings

Words that don't mean the same thing.

1 . Tax Reform--

To Democrats it means higher taxes, especially for the rich.

For Republicans it means lower taxes for everybody, but since the rich pay most of the taxes, any lowering mostly help them.

Both agree on fewer "loopholes",  neither agree which loopholes should be eliminated.

2. Economic Growth-- Everyone is in favor, however for :

Dems it means more government spending.

GOP it means lower taxes and less regulation.

3. Cutting the debt and deficit-- Everyone wants to do that ( at least eventually), however for:

Dems it means raising taxes and cutting some spending , mainly military,

GOP it means cutting spending and that's it.

So isn't the solution to pick a bi-partisan group of experts, both in and out of the government, to come up with the best comprehensive solution?

Oh wait, we already did that. It's called Simpson Bowles.

And guess what, both parties rejected it, even the President who set it up in the first place.

I guess we'll just keep on using the same words that simply have different meaning depending on who's using them.

Of course the one word almost no one wants to use, irrespective of it meaning, is compromise.


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