Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Thank You Mike Bloomberg

I now have someone I can believe in, not just settle for, or fear. 

Michael Bloomberg is an honest man of high intelligence and extraordinary competence whose views I agree with. 

It feels great to be for someone; especially someone who can defeat Donald Trump and push back against the forces of Trumpism. 

Bloomberg is someone who can move our country forward in a positive direction rather than tearing it down and trying to rebuild it in a radical, risky and unproven way.

No one is perfect, but if Trump has taught us anything it’s not necessary to be perfect to be elected President of our very large heterogenous  country. 

Bloomberg is not a moderate,  but rather what I call myself- a radical centrist. He rejects both the extreme Right and Left and would boldly pursue a course which is consistent with the values and virtues of our country, both domestically and globally. 

He would be a world leader we can be proud of, who would restore our world leadership and who would most effectively counteract our enemies. 

Fortunately he has the means to convey his message and his qualifications to the American people.

Will they understand all this and come to support him? 

That’s where people like me have a job to do. 


Saturday, November 30, 2019

The Base

Who is the Democrat’s’ Base?

The young Millennials who didn’t bother to vote for Hillary last election, or the  voters who voted for Democrats for President consistently the last ten elections or so ?

And who decides who the Base is?

Friday, October 25, 2019

Police State Tactics

I’m worried that the announcement of a criminal investigation of the DOJ and FBI regarding the investigation by the Trump administration with respect to Russian interference in the 2016 election smacks of internal police state tactics and intimation.

Down this path is tyranny.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Unsolicited advice for Joe Biden

I’m a bit worried Biden’s going to “step in it” somehow. 

I hope he has a great policy team. 

Here’s my suggestions:

1. Instead of Medicare for All, which the public has no clue as to cost, let’s fine tune the ACA and add a public option and restore the mandate. 

2. Roll back tax cuts, but only for the really rich.  Not the “sort of rich” upper middle class. 

Close corporate and rich people loopholes and  give aways which were slipped into,  or hidden in , the Tax Cut Bill. Many of which mostly helped only people like Trump. 

3. Forget about reparations and focus on economic development in marginalized neighborhoods. How would reparations work anyway?

4. Reject voting rights for prisoners in jail. Incredibly stupid. 

5. Smart, effective climate change initiatives; not The Green New Deal which was more of a socialist screed than a program to address climate change. 

6. Reject identity politics and silly political correctness . Only causes unnecessary resentment. 

7. Instead of free college, allow refinancing of student loans and  bankruptcy protection option for student debtors. No reason student debt should be treated differently from other consumer debt. 

8.  Biden is the only one who can make the effective case that the current strong economy is essentially a continuation of the strong economy ( jobs, stock market etc) begun in the Obama / Biden administration. 

9. Don’t say  stupid things; stop talking while you’re ahead.

Saturday, May 4, 2019


Actually Trump is doing quite a job uniting the country— against him.

Chris Wallace and Shepard Smith speak truth to power. 

It was Comey’s  dam morality that undermined Hillary and tipped the election to Trump.  

 Barr was a very effective defense lawyer for Trump’s personal benefit ; however , I thought his job was Attorney General of the Country. 

In the entire Mueller Report the word “collusion” is never mentioned even once. Yet Barr’s four page summary and press conference used the word “collusion “ over a dozen times. 

 I guess when Trump and Barr say “ no collusion “ they are referring the the total absence of that word in the entire Mueller Report !

Remind me about the scandals that took place  in the Obama presidency. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

3 or 43?

And here I thought  43 new Dems won seats and flipped the House; and 3 women,( AOC, Omar and Talib) we always hear about  weren’t even 1 of them? Not one so called Progressive flipped a single seat from Red to Blue 

How many of those 43 Moderates who flipped seats can you even name. 

No , the media is obsessed with AOC and her mean girls. 

What’s up with that? 

Thursday, February 28, 2019

What if HRC had won

There is no doubt in my mind that had HRC won she would have “walked back” ( yes I hate that phrase) some of the policy positions Bernie pushed her to. Most importantly the TransPacific Trade Partnership which would have been our most effective check on Chinese expansion and domination of Asia region.

 She also would have modified and improved the ACA rather than push Medicare for All; rationally tackled issue of soaring student debt, solidified NATO and other alliances against Russia, China and Iran and improved relations with Israel from Obama’s tenure , among other sensible rational things.

There would have been no AOC if HRC we’re President. 

Alas we’ll never know. Thanks to Comey (why does Trump nation hate him; he got Trump elected?) and of course the Russians, we’re stuck with Baghdad Don for at least a few more years. 

God help us all. 


Thursday, February 21, 2019

Words and Meanings - Socialism

Once again I’m focusing on words and meanings, and how they distort rational discourse. 

Socialism is a word misused , intentionally or otherwise , by both the Left and the Right.

Let’s start with the dictionary definition :

“Any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods.”

Is that what the Progressives really want in our country?

Is that what the Right really think Obama, Clinton and other Democrats espouse?

More confusion arises from both sides referring to Scandinavian and other European countries as Socialist economies. 

They are all Capitalist economies with strong social welfare programs.  Very different. 

In fact it is their Capitalist economies that generate sufficient wealth to pay for those social welfare programs. 

Just to put a point on it, I can’t think of any real Socialists countries past or present that don’t have single party authoritarian political rule. None are democracies. 

So let’s just drop the term Socialism and get on with a rational discussion of what needs to be done to improve our country for the betterment of all of our citizens.  

Friday, February 15, 2019

Is the madness over?

I guess we should be thankful for Rep Omar’s hateful statements ; no doubt her actual views are a lot worse. 

There is no way the Democrats could call for the resignation of a progressive, young Muslim women of color who contemporaneously makes anti- Semitics remarks. 

Therefore, hopefully, zero tolerance with no chance of redemption should  be over. 

Governor Northam should be relieved. 

The focus on Steve King is misplaced. The real comparison should be the treatment of Omar and Northam.

Northam’s misconduct, at worse, took place 35 years ago and his record of public service has been exemplary. Omar’s offensive comments are recent and I’m pretty sure her real feelings are a lot worse and goes way beyond criticism of Israeli policies and conduct.

 It’s too bad this new era was too late for Al Franken. 

Monday, January 7, 2019


1. Negative reporting against Trump or anybody for that matter (like Rep Cortez) is not necessarily bias; it may well just be accurate . Trump says so many inaccurate things, that pointing that out , while  negative reporting , is not bias.

 Bias is when someone still  supports something that is  factual wrong. I don’t believe CNN, NYT,WP or WSJ does that. 

2. Law enforcement is inherently conservative , so accusing the FBI of conspiring against Trump and the GOP is nonsense. Rosenstein, Mueller and even Comey ( remember his role with John Ashcroft ) are all solid Republicans. I know for a fact that it was FBI agents in NY office that actively worked to torpedo Hillary. 

3. The absolute best person  on cable news is Shepard Smith. He tells it like it is in the face of great vitriol from Fox viewers. 

4. Remember that the term Fake News originally referred to stories like the notorious Pizza Gate story which lead to an almost tragic shooting . In other words completely made up on the Internet. 

Trump turned the concept on its head and applied it to all news that doesn’t agree with him. Quite a trick if you actually think about it.

5. Read the Fifth Risk if you want to learn about the true value of the so called Deep State. 

6. Of course none of this today is very new. 

All governments have embedded bureaucracies. Some were based on merit like the Chinese Mandarin system , others political patronage. 

Elites have always been around ie. Patricians v. Plebeians. Just human nature.    

The Illuminati is just a convenient myth, like the Protocols of the Elder Son’s of Zion.