Fake News from fringe Internet
sites, abetted by Russian hacks etc. will lead to a return of wide spread recognition of
the legitimacy and reliability of established media.
Most people will begin to recognize that you can't rely on the Internet for any credible information. Social media and fringe Internet sites are like the "Wild West".
In addition, foreign interference taints
all but the most secure and reliable sources.
Of course, there will still be confirmation bias; but there is a big difference
between political points of view from right and left, and outright phony agenda
driven stories on the Internet.
Standards, and the reliance on credible facts from reliable sources, will be
viewed as important again.
People will largely return to trusting only objective, well researched articles
etc. from decent widely respected credible people and organizations.
Those sources will include: Network TV, including PBS; Cable News such as CNN, Fox News and MSNBC; and Major circulation Newspapers , Magazines and Periodicals.
The mania of Fake News will abate and a semblance of Normalcy will Return.